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Nurse Ratched 4:15 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
I've not bothered reading much beyond the headlines about this story because A) It's women's football and I'm not interested and B) anything with a whiff of all that hysterical 'me too' caper is usually nauseating. However, it doesn't sound like anyone from Spanish football or Fifa are going in to bat on behalf of Rubiales (I don't think his mum counts) So whether you believe or not that the woman was HORRIFICALLY SEXUALLY VIOLATED AND TRAUMATISED, it's very possible this incident is deliberately and cynically being exaggerated in order to separate a problematic man from his high profile job. And he probably deserves it for other reasons.

SUM A DING WONG 4:35 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
“So whether you believe or not that the woman was HORRIFICALLY SEXUALLY VIOLATED AND TRAUMATISED, it's very possible this incident is deliberately and cynically being exaggerated in order to separate a problematic man from his high profile job. And he probably deserves it for other reasons.“‘

I hope you’re right, Nurse.If he is an absolute wrong un (as I said previously), then he deserves everything he gets.

The thing is, even if wasn’t a ‘wrong un’ and he’d kissed the player, we all know the witch-hunt would be there.

To be fair to most of the good ole folk of ‘WHO’ those that are vociferously against him for allegedly being a ‘wrong un’ I’m sure are doing so, from a good place.

Unfortunately, I think the majority of people in the grander scheme of things (society), not so much.

Lee Trundle 4:41 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
He was just being Spanish, wasn't he? Most of them are wrong 'uns.

Not sure he should have his life completely ruined by this.

Still, it made me LOL to see his mum go mental over it.

stewey 4:49 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
If it was two blokes the world would be rejoicing

twoleftfeet 6:00 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Such a boring story.

The BBC have become obsessed by it.

It has NOTHING to do with us.

twoleftfeet 6:00 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Such a boring story.

The BBC have become obsessed by it.

It has NOTHING to do with us.

bruuuno 6:45 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
How predictable that the woman’s World Cup has ended in a big load of drama

Mike Oxsaw 6:47 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
All he had to do was say "Sorry, I overstepped the mark," and drop a bag into an appropriate charity and the world would be able to move on* to the next virtual signalling trigger. But, no, he had to prove what a REAL man he is.

* - actually it wouldn't - social media, click bait (and advertisers) will keep this going until he painfully tops himself as there is no worse crime on the planet.

, 6:49 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
2feetleft, what is apparent is rather than the BBC being obsessed with this story you are obsessed with the BBC.

WHU(Exeter) 7:05 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Commas right, whenever I’ve happened to turn on the radio in the last week, I’ve been nothing but impressed by their thorough coverage of the opening fixtures in not just the Premiership, but also the Championship, League 1 and 2, even down to the conference.

In fact I don’t think I’ve even heard this Spanish business mentioned at all? I’ll have to listen to it all on Jill Scott’s podcast, which if I seem to remember from several hundreds of reminders, is also available on catch-up.

BBondsBootlaces 7:09 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
He looks like Pablo Zabaleta

RM10 7:13 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
You couldn’t tell by body and face language that it was bad at the time, yes smacker on the lips was wrong but worth all this fuss? History I guess but she was cuddling him aswell???

Lee Trundle 7:14 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
, 6:49 Tue Aug 29

More apparent than your obsession with defending the BBC at all costs?

eastend joker 7:16 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
women's rights groups are happy to focus on this whilst the women of Afghanistan are denied an education .

the exile 7:45 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
One thing that intrigues me about this is why did he only kiss one of them? What's going on there?

chim chim cha boo 8:08 Tue Aug 29
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
eastend joker 7:16 Tue Aug 29

You do realise women can do two things at once right?

They are pretty much famous for their multitasking.

As for the mental race we call the Spanish, I fucking love them. Today for example I went for a blood test at the Royal Free and saw a foxy female Spanish nurse.

We got talking and somehow got onto the subject of dying.

'My sister is mad, she never ever talks about dying, she's so stupid' she said. I said that because she's a nurse she knows there are much worse things than dying?

'Sure, I don't wanna die shitting in my pants and not knowing anything about it' she said and I laughed out loud at her honesty.

I said 'well I ride a 2500cc Triumph motorcycle so I get the feeling that I'm not going to have a slow, protracted death. Still you wouldn't know that as your country produce the best riders in the world'.

She said 'not all of us. I crashed my (Yamaha) R1, broke five ribs, my femur, two toes, three fingers and my pelvis. I'm no fucking Marc Marquez'!

I LOVE them.

BRANDED 12:16 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
This is proper click baitery nonsense. Absolute fucking bollocks.

Capitol Man 1:12 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Clearly this twat didn’t just start behaving like this - it’s just the nail in his coffin.

Hang the sex case.

Hermit Road 1:48 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Capitol They is ok with Biden doing it to much younger girls for decades, but outraged when it’s a Spaniard.

What have you got against the dagos They?


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:52 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
I worked with Spanish people for most of my working life and they are a VERY kissy race - lips and all. Older men with much younger unrelated women, not so much, so definitely out of order.

Even in the UK, I think he could have got away with, 'Sorry, it was totally inappropriate. I just got carried away with the joy of the occasion.' In Spain certainly so. He might have even been telling the truth - who knows?

However, he chose to deny it, lie about it, attempt to coerce subordinates into lying about it and refused to accept that he had been in any way inappropriate. So hang the cunt.

As ever in these relatively trivial matters, it's the cover-up that's worse than the original offence.

Capitol Man 2:18 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Hermit Road 1:48 Wed Aug 30
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”

Wtf has Biden got to do with it you weird cunt. That was all nonsense for nonces like you anyway. Given Trump is a rapist and you didn’t seem to have any issues with him you’re on shaky ground to be trying that one.

The crotch grabbing is what identifies him as a fucking weirdo - again, given his age he didn’t just start doing this kind of stuff - and given what he was willing to do in a box with royals, teenage royals at that, how the fuck do you think he behaves the rest of the time?

The washer-women anti-woke crowd see anything that deals with this stuff and start the collective whine, but you really should pick more deserving cases to whine about political correctness gone mad.

Women’s World Cup was a great success, you don’t have to feel threatened by that, and then along comes this cunt and takes the shine of things - if he resigns, as he should, the world moves on.

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